Keywords: strategic planning, socio­economic development, territorial communities, management, grant programs.


The article reveals the main content of strategic planning of socio­economic development of territorial communities as an important tool for improving the quality of life of the population. It was revealed that the concept of «strategic planning of socio­economic development of territorial communities» can acquire different meanings, on the one hand as a process of sequential implementation of interconnected stages with the aim of achieving a predetermined socio­economic effect, on the other hand as a set of decisions taken by territorial bodies within the framework of defined strategies. It was found that the socio­economic development of territorial communities is a priority in the totality of state interests, as it contributes to various aspects of the country’s life. It was revealed that the reform of the territorial organization of power in 2020 was marked by the creation of 1,470 capable territorial communities in which positive processes of governance restructuring were developing, but the full­scale war significantly corrected them, directing them in the direction of security and survival. The destruction of infrastructure, the closure of a significant number of enterprises, and the forced migration of the population became a test of the capacity and stability of communities. The relevance of the development of programs for the recovery of the local economy in war conditions and community development programs in the post­war period is substantiated. In order to ensure the successful implementation of community development strategies, it is proposed to take into account international experience, the best domestic practices of territorial development, and to use such a tool as grant opportunities in the field of restoration and development of territorial communities. , which includes taking into account the needs and interests of the population, efficient use of resources, coordination between different levels of government and stakeholders.


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How to Cite
SHEVCHENKO, O., & LISNIEVSKA, Y. (2023). IMPROVEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF STRATEGIC PLANNING OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 36-40.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and

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