Keywords: public administration, territorial community, sustainability, situational approach, adaptive management.


In Ukraine, in today's difficult conditions, it is necessary to use a set of modern tools for managing territorial communities for their further development. The article examines the essence of mechanisms of adaptability, stability and sustainability, which the management system of territorial communities should use to achieve successful functioning results in war conditions. Areas of adaptation of territorial communities to wartime conditions were considered, including: changing the territorial community management system; change in approaches to management; improvement of management technologies; introduction of management innovations aimed at improving the efficiency of local self-government bodies; stabilization of the community's financial condition due to the attraction of investors. It was found that three main approaches can be used to assess changes in the external environment of the functioning of territorial communities: systemic, process, situational, but it is better to focus on the last one. It is substantiated that constant monitoring of the situation in the community can help managers to respond quickly to changes, adjust their strategies in time, which will ensure the stability of territorial communities, which can be considered as the ability to adapt to crises and resist external challenges. It was emphasized that the challenges faced by the territorial communities from the first days of the full-scale invasion were: preservation of the effectiveness of the management system and their ability to fully function; protection of critical infrastructure facilities; provision of various types of supply; ensuring defense and law and order; ensuring the functioning of the civil protection system in conditions of threat; the ability to evacuate the population and effectively regulate the mass movement of people into the community; preservation of financial and economic stability. It was concluded that the situational approach is an effective tool for managing the development of rural areas and ensuring the stability of territorial communities. Its use allows community leaders to solve problems depending on the specific situation, involve the public in the decision-making process, and constantly monitor the situation in their communities.


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How to Cite
SHEVCHENKO, O. (2023). USE OF THE SITUATION APPROACH IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 2(2), 31-34.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and