Keywords: ensuring defense capability, system of military education, armed forces, a network of military educational institutions, experience in officer training.


The problem of training highly qualified personnel for various structures of the state, the formation of education, culture, and professionalism has been relevant at all times. The article examines the main areas of improvement of military education. It is revealed that military education is a unique, closed system, the purpose of which is the professional training of military specialists with a high level of competence and moral and psychological training. Structural institutes of military education function in a single educational regulatory and legal field, are a component of the national education system and one of the main sources of ensuring the state’s defense capability. The experience of training military specialists for the armed forces of the Republic of Poland was considered and the analysis of the existing network of military educational institutions for the training of officers of various branches of the military administration, as well as for the training of non-commissioned officers, was carried out. It was revealed that Poland has a rich history of the functioning of military education, it is known about the creation of a military training school whose task was to prepare Polish youth for military service and civilian work at the same time. Today, civilian educational institutions in Poland have departments of military training, which allows for high-quality training of civilian and military personnel. The main advantages and disadvantages of the Polish military education system are identified. The advantages include the experience of adopting the Law on Higher Military Education in Poland in 1965, which contributed to officer schools obtaining the status of universities and the development of science in military
schools, where scientific research in the field of military education was actively conducted, which allowed to improve the quality of training of military personnel. Among the shortcomings, we can mention the attempts to reform military education by the teams headed by the Ministry of National Defense of Poland, contrary to the current legal norms and standards operating in the academic world, which led to the decline of military science. It was concluded that, despite the differences in functioning in different countries of the world, it is possible to single out the general trends of the development of the higher military school in the XXI century. The military education systems of most countries are built according to a certain pattern. It seems appropriate to study the experience of Poland, which can be useful for Ukraine.


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How to Cite
SHEVCHENKO, O., & HYKALO, Y. (2022). USE OF THE EXPERIENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER MILITARY EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND IN UKRAINE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 2(2), 25-28.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and