Keywords: mechanisms of public administration, corruption, prevention of corruption, public procurement, Prozorro system.


Corruption, as a phenomenon, takes place in the system of public authorities. Its rooting is caused by the low efficiency of public administration. The danger of such a phenomenon as corruption lies in the violation of legal norms and leads to a feeling of distrust in Ukraine's ability to create a democratic, social and legal order. In this regard, the authors studied the mechanisms of public administration aimed at combating corruption in the economic sphere, namely in the area of public procurement. The article examines the problems of abuse of state power for personal gain, which make it impossible to create a democratic, social and legal order in Ukraine. The thesis is substantiated that due to the large amounts of funds associated with state procurement of goods, works and services, this sphere creates favorable conditions for corruption violations and abuses. It is noted that according to the analysis of the functioning of the public procurement system in 2015, the Antimonopoly Committee revealed a large number of violations of legislation in this area, which required systemic decisions in public administration. It is shown that in order to overcome corruption in the field of public procurement, legislation was updated in Ukraine aimed at improving control mechanisms, ensuring the transparency of bidding, as well as implementing effective anti-corruption measures. It was emphasized that the Prozorro system played a key role in the fight against corruption and ensuring transparency in public procurement. The methods that contributed to the reduction of corruption in Ukraine are: introduction of an electronic auction; reduction of human intervention in the interpretation of trading rules; the ability to observe the procurement process in real time. It was concluded that today the reform of the public procurement system consists in ensuring the fulfillment of Ukraine's international obligations in this area by adapting the legislation to European and international standards, and the introduction of the electronic auction system within the framework of Prozorro has significantly improved the efficiency and honesty in conducting trades, contributing to the reduction corruption.


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How to Cite
SHEVCHENKO , O., & KOLIADA , O. (2024). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MECHANISMS FOR THE PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION IN THE SPHERE OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENTS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 32-37.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and