Keywords: Key words: targeted assistance, mechanism, social protection.


Summary.In the context of globalization, large-scale national policy in the field of social protection should significantly reduce the
negative social consequences of the economic crisis. Ukraine’s desire to join the European Union is impossible without a system
of economic, legal, organizational and other measures of state and non-state institutions and organizations that will influence and
promote social stability and create conditions for increasing welfare, ensuring a high standard and quality of life. One of the main
components that characterize the meaning of the term «welfare state» is social protection. If we do not try to create an effective
social protection system that meets international standards, it will be impossible to create a real welfare state in Ukraine. Therefore,
the formation of the social protection system is directly related to the process of achieving the goals set by the Constitution
of Ukraine. The implementation of social policy is impossible without the implementation of social protection, and social
protection is an important component of social policy and a necessary element of the functioning of the state in a market economy.
The process of deeper integration into the world economic community involves many major changes in the state system as part
of the socio-economic system, which is based on the idea of combining economic efficiency as a result of market forces
and social compromise. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the areas of improving social protection in Ukraine. The article uses structural, logical, functional and comparative analysis as research methods. In the process of writing
the article, the author studied the structure of social protection, substantiated the importance of the concept of quality
of life in the context of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, identified objective prerequisites for social
development, efficiency and effectiveness of human rights and freedoms. As a result of the research, the issue of social
protection development in Ukraine was brought up to date. In particular, the directions of improvement of social protection
of the population through the mechanism of targeted assistance are investigated and offered. In this perspective, the strategy
of combating poverty in our country is substantiated, in particular, by raising the minimum wage, legalization of shadow
incomes and employment plans, as well as changing the priorities of the social protection system: from large-scale benefits
to different categories of citizens public resources to help families in need.

© Ліснєвська Юлі


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How to Cite
LISNIEVSKA, Y. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISMS OF SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE POPULATION AT THE STATE LEVEL. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 11-14.