The article examines the conceptual provisions of continuous education of medical professionals from the point of view of implementation of mechanisms for ensuring their continuous professional development in modern conditions. The need for continuous improvement of the medical education system was revealed in view of the dynamic development of the health care industry and European integration processes. The essence of public management of education, which arises in the formation of purposeful interaction of state institutions with legal entities and individuals in the context of the implementation of regulatory documents related to the field of education and ensuring its functional activity, is clarified. It was found that the public management of education with funds from the state administration is aimed at achieving results and improving the quality of education, and not only at the implementation of formal procedures and expenses for education. In addition, greater autonomy and responsibility of educational institutions for achieving results is ensured. Thus, public administration in the field of education today generally meets the expectations and requirements of modern Ukrainian society. It was emphasized that in the conditions of Ukraine’s entry into European life, in order to modernize education, it is necessary to obtain the realities and prospects of the socio-economic development of the country, the educational experience of developed countries, its own historical path, which can be decisive in outlining the prospects and trends of its further development. It has been found that the concept of continuous education is revealed according to its value dimension at the individual level of continuous education, as a process of formation and satisfaction of cognitive requests and spiritual needs of a person, at the state level as an alternative direction that should ensure an increase in the efficiency and competitiveness of the state, at the social level as a mechanism for the growth of the country’s intellectual capital. It was concluded that the improvement of the management system of postgraduate education of medical workers is a task for the implementation of some necessary in a complex of measures aimed at improving financing, coordination and accessibility of postgraduate education of medical workers. This will ensure the quality of medical care and improve the health of the population.
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