Keywords: Key words: diplomacy, tools, national interests, propaganda.


Summary. In the current geopolitical and globalization conditions, there is a need to create an effective mechanism
for promoting the interests of the state, informing the world community about the image events taking place in our
country. Today, the global information space contains almost no positive information about Ukraine. As a result,
foreigners have an idea of Ukraine with distorted or incomplete content. This creates a negative image of the state,
which is reflected in the political, economic, tourist, investment situation, which is reflected in world rankings.
Promoting the interests of the state in the world is extremely important. The main problem is the imperfection
of state policy aimed at promoting Ukraine’s interests in the world. The aim of the article is to develop priority
ways to promote Ukraine’s national interests in the global space. The following research methods are used in the
article: method of theoretical generalization and concretization; analysis and synthesis – in order to study the state
of the studied issues. The article examines modern tools and methods of promoting national interests. Possibilities
of diplomacy and propaganda as the main tools for promoting national interests and forming a positive brand and image of the country are identified. The importance of public diplomacy and the formation of its strategy and tactics
was specified. The main characteristics of propaganda as a tool for protection and promotion of national interests
are highlighted. Coercive methods of promoting national interests in the context of the current political situation
have been studied. Research has shown that global coexistence, peaceful conflict resolution and purposeful mutual
cooperation for development are in the common interests of all countries. Thus, together with the promotion of
their national interests, countries must strive to protect and promote common interests in the interests of the entire
international community. In view of this, it is necessary for each nation to build its foreign policy and its relations
with other nations on the basis of its national interests, which are interpreted and determined in accordance with the
common interests of mankind (civilization).


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How to Cite
SHEVCHENKO, N. (2021). TOOLS FOR PROMOTING UKRAINIAN NATIONAL INTERESTS IN MODERN GEOPOLITICAL AND GLOBALIZING CONDITIONS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 19-23.