Keywords: Key words: Out-of-school education, state regulation of out-of-school education, barrier-free, communities, image.


Summary. The article considers the current content of the state order for the improvement of the out-of-school
education system by means of partnership without barriers. Modern extracurricular education is characterized
by dynamism, uncertainty and innovation, as well as the entire information society, the needs of which it must
meet. Analysis of the formation and development of extracurricular education in Ukraine shows the presence
of progressive achievements and a positive impact on the creative development of the individual. During
its historical development, out-of-school education and upbringing have gained some experience, prestige
and formed as an integral part of the holistic education system of Ukraine. The legal framework and scientific
literature on the definition of «barrier-free», «extracurricular education», «partnership» were analyzed. The
features that characterize the priorities and components of educational activities that best ensure the formation
of an open space of communication and interaction of all social and educational actors without systemic
restrictions and barriers are identified. The purpose of the article is to develop the implementation of modern
tools of public administration in the field of extracurricular education. The analysis of the practice of functioning
of the network of out-of-school institutions in the conditions of democratization of social processes allowed
to single out a number of actual problems which should define the state strategy of regulation of development
of out-of-school education directed on its improvement. In particular, the Strategy for the Development of Extracurricular Education was analyzed. It is determined that one of the prospects for the development
of public administration of extracurricular educational activities is to strengthen the regulatory function
of central education authorities, which is manifested in resource, financial, economic and organizational
and informational support of extracurricular education. The essence, purpose, content and forms of information
and communicative support of the system of extracurricular educational activities are revealed. The following
research methods are used in the article: method of theoretical and practical orientation; analysis and synthesis –
in order to study the state of the studied issues.


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How to Cite
SHABAIEVA, L. (2021). IMPROVEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF EXTRACURRICULAR EDUCATION BY MEANS OF PARTNERSHIP WITHOUT BARRIERS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 55-60.