Keywords: Key words: higher education system, reforming, innovative development, management of higher education institution, innovation management.


Summary. The article considers the role of the innovation management system in higher education institutions
as a set of methodological approaches, principles and mechanisms that can ensure the successful implementation
of innovations in scientific, international, economic and other activities of higher education institutions. The study
outlines the tasks of innovative development of higher education institutions, analyzes the current regulations
governing the strategic development of higher education. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature on this topic, it is revealed that the features of innovation management are related to the specifics of business entities,
management entities, modern management processes. The main idea of the study is to generalize the theoretical
and methodological approaches in the management system for innovative educational activities in higher education
institutions. The practical significance of the growth of consolidation of education, business and state regulation to
improve the innovation potential of the state as a whole is analyzed. All proposals for the innovative development
of the higher education system can be implemented on the basis of directing the activities of public administration,
business communities in the direction of establishing business universities, coworking centers, technology parks.
It is substantiated that the management of innovation creates the preconditions for strengthening the partnership
between the state, education and entrepreneurship, and the dynamics of innovation leads to increased competitiveness
of the state as a whole. It is proved that the management of innovation has a great influence on the reform of the
education system. Education-based education, innovation and management actions must be integrated into building
a qualitatively new system of interaction in higher education.


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How to Cite
SYCHENKO, V., RYBKINA, S., & SOKOLOVA, E. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 45-49.