Keywords: education, decentralization, management of educational institutions, territorial communities, reform, human capital.


The article reveals the main content of the administrative-territorial reform as a key element of the evolution of social relations. Decentralization of power in Ukraine creates an opportunity for effective implementation of institutional changes. It was found that the functioning of territorial communities requires a serious modernization of their education system. It was found that the main tasks of the continuation of the decentralization reform in the post-war period will be reforming in the field of education, strengthening the level of responsibility of local selfgovernment bodies for the decisions made, harmonious distribution of resources of territorial communities, mutual support and assistance in the restoration of destroyed infrastructure, prioritization of the human factor and social values . It was determined that the State Regional Development Strategy for 2021-2027, adopted in 2020, is a key document for the development of territorial communities focused on a dignified human life in a united, decentralized, competitive and democratic Ukraine, the purpose of which can be achieved on the basis of strategic goals. It has been proven that Ukraine has a number of competitive advantages to fulfill the tasks of the Strategy, including the level of human capital development in the country. The works of domestic scientists who are engaged in researching the process of human capital development in the dynamics of modern changes in all spheres of life are analyzed. It was revealed that potential opportunities for the development of human capital decreased during the period of full-scale war. Ukraine suffered both direct and indirect losses of human capital, the causes of which were: forced migration, killing of civilians, deaths of soldiers, non-payment of wages by employees, destruction of educational infrastructure, failure to provide educational services in full to all participants of the educational process. It is justified that in order to restore of human capital in the post-war period, measures should be aimed at creating a favorable environment for the return of Ukrainian citizens to their homeland and building an effective system for the formation and development of human capital within the country, which can be directly influenced by the development of education in territorial communities. It was concluded that the factors that will affect the achievement of strategic goals in the field of education are the clear definition of specific directions and tasks of the development of the education system in territorial communities.


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How to Cite
KHYTKO, M., & KULYK, A. (2023). DIRECTIONS OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 41-45.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and