Keywords: education management, decentralization, territorial communities, efficiency, strategy.


The article reveals the main content of decentralization in the field of education, which aims to bring educational services closer to the community. It was revealed that the formation of territorial communities became a chance for serious modernization of their education system. It was clarified that all regions of Ukraine joined the creation of territorial communities, which from the first days faced many problems of management of the educational sphere, namely the structure of education management; the number of full-time employees of educational institutions; the format of methodical support for schools; criteria for analyzing the school network; functioning of extracurricular education. It is justified that in order to solve the problems of effective management of education in the territorial community, it is necessary to use an effective tool of public management – strategic planning, as a process aimed at setting priorities and preparing an action plan for their implementation. The main tasks of which are: analysis of the socio-economic state of the community; formulation of a promising realistic future vision; analysis of internal strengths
and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats; determination of strategic goals, the achievement of which will enable the realization of the vision; development of operational goals and tasks for achieving strategic goals. It was determined that the strategic goal of the community’s functioning can be the optimization of the school network, which involves considering it in the context of the territory’s needs and economic opportunities. The main steps of optimizing the community’s school network can be determining the number of students, their age groups, resource needs and other factors affecting the educational process; assessment of the condition of buildings, equipment and other resources necessary for training; determining the optimal number of schools; decrease in the number of schools; redistribution of resources; conducting consultations with the community. It was concluded that factors affecting the effectiveness
of education management in territorial communities are: lack of a clear strategy for the development of the school network, insufficient number of schools in some districts; insufficient amount of funds to ensure quality education in the community, insufficient involvement of the public in the decision-making process regarding the school network.


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How to Cite
KHYTKO, M., & KULYK, A. (2022). ENSURING EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION IN TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 2(2), 10-13. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-698X/2022-2-2
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and