Keywords: Key words: marketing strategy, reform, education, community, marketing research, development program.


Summary. Today, Ukraine is in a period of transition from centralized government influence to local autonomous
decision-making. Reforming the administrative-territorial structure, which is aimed at ensuring the socioeconomic development of communities, together with reforming education, should ensure the sustainability of
educational development in communities. Ukrainian society’s expectations from modern education are aimed at
its competitiveness in European and global educational spaces, forming a generation of young people who will
have the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to integrate into society at different ages, be protected
and mobile in the labor market. spiritual and ideological choice and will be able to learn throughout life.
Knowledge and skills for people, in market relations, acquire a specific, pragmatic content, become the main source of wealth and survival. Today there is no need to prove that the future is largely determined by the
education system. Education, competence and professionalism are key factors in social development. This is
a world-renowned fact. At present, it is possible to state with full confidence the establishment of market
relations in the field of educational services. The centralized distribution of graduates is a thing of the past. In
such circumstances, the need to find ways to increase the competitiveness of educational institutions is beyond
doubt. Based on this, we can talk about the need to implement a marketing approach to the formation of the
market of educational services and create a marketing strategy for the development of educational institutions,
which will help ensure its competitiveness and a positive image. The purpose of this article is to develop
a marketing strategy for the development of education in the united territorial communities (hereinafter OTG).
The article identifies the main problems of the current state of the educational process in communities. Scientific
works of foreign and domestic scientists on certain issues are studied. The significance of the marketing strategy
of an educational institution in the conditions of reforming the administrative-territorial structure is analyzed.
The role of OTG leaders is determined, who should plan the school network wisely, create a modern educational
space, taking into account inclusion, take care of the development of out-of-school institutions, etc. The main
functions of the organization of an educational institution on the basis of educational marketing are considered.
The marketing approach in the management of modern educational organizations is analyzed. It is proposed
to conduct marketing research in the form of surveys of teachers and parents; develop a SWOT-analysis of the
educational institution; develop a school development program.


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How to Cite
VILKHOVA, T. (2021). MARKETING STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN COMMUNITIES OF UKRAINE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 41-44.