The analysis of domestic sources has provided a basis for defining the conceptual foundations of strategic planning in the social sphere as a pivotal mechanism of public administration. This analysis underscores the significance of the public administration mechanism as a core concept for understanding and examining the phenomenon. By adopting this perspective, strategic planning for the development of the social sphere is interpreted as a multifaceted and intricately structured management tool employed by public authorities and local self-government bodies. This tool encompasses a range of critical elements, including the process of goal-setting in public administration activities, thorough analysis of the management object and the methods used to exert public administration impacts, identification and allocation of resources necessary for the development of the management object, and the establishment of effective pathways for utilizing these resources within the development management process. The study substantiates that strategic planning belongs to the category of systemic mechanisms within public administration, serving as a framework for organizing and optimizing governance processes. Its systemic nature allows for the integration and alignment of various elements of governance, ensuring coherence across policies and actions. Accordingly, strategic planning in the social sphere as a mechanism of public administration is conceptualized as a comprehensive and cohesive system. This system integrates all components of State policy in the social sphere, grounded in the definition of long-term strategic goals that guide its development. By doing so, it fosters consistency, coherence, and orderliness in the regulatory and developmental activities of public authorities and local self-government bodies. Furthermore, this approach ensures the alignment of short-term actions with long-term objectives, enabling a stable and structured regulatory influence on the social sphere. Such influence is directed toward achieving the State's strategic vision for social development, addressing the dynamic needs of society, and promoting equitable resource distribution. Through its holistic and integrated approach, strategic planning facilitates the harmonization of diverse policy areas, maximizes the efficient use of resources, and encourages the adoption of innovative governance practices. In essence, it acts as a strategic compass, guiding public administration efforts to enhance the well-being of citizens and foster sustainable societal progress over the long term.
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