Summary. Problems of communication of public administration participants are typical for Ukrainian society.
They are associated with a high level of public distrust in public authorities, insufficient professional level of public
administration representatives, low level of coverage of the results of public administration’s interaction with the
public on social networks and websites, low level of real access to information with its publication etc. This indicates
the need to create new forms of communication with open, transparent, effective and high-quality dialogue between
public authorities and the public. Today more and more attention is paid to the development of features and solving
problems of establishing effective communications between public authorities and the public, defining the basic
principles and directions of further improvement of these communications using modern communication technologies
and tools of public dialogue. The aim of the article is to study the ways of development of communicative competence
of public managers. The methodological basis of the study are methods of logical generalization, systems analysis
and synthesis, observation. The article identifies the key positions of the theoretical justification of the concept
of competencies in public administration. The hierarchical structure of communicative competence is studied.
The basic elements of the communicative process are determined. The statistical data of the manager’s time spent on the communicative process with subordinates are described. The peculiarities of the socio-psychological forecast
of the communicative situation in public administration are determined. The main functions of communication
in the professional activity of the leader are investigated. The set of skills necessary for a modern leader to
acquire communicative and executive skills is highlighted. It is proposed to develop the communicative potential
of a modern public manager to perform on the basis of the unity of its three components: the communicative properties
of personality (characterize the attitude to the way of communication, the development of the need for communication);
communicative abilities (determine the activity and initiative in communication, emotional response to the state
of the partner, the possibility of implementing an individual communication program); communicative competence
(knowledge of norms and rules of communication, mastery of psychotechnics and technology in general).
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