Keywords: management style, leader, individual leadership style, model, psychological content of management.


The work of a manager is multifaceted. To successfully run an efficient business, make the best decisions, and work with people, a talented leader must combine abilities, experience, knowledge, and the ability to apply them. A manager must be trained in many areas of activity. However, the most interesting of these is the field of psychology. The work of a manager is, first and foremost, work with people, which is one of the most difficult activities. This alone creates the need for psychological training of a manager. A manager must know how to behave with employees, adjust his or her behavior depending on their state of mind, be able to identify the strengths of employees and notice their shortcomings in order to distribute personnel as efficiently as possible. The manager's duty is to create a strong, well-coordinated team in which each member has his or her place, where the possibility of conflict situations is minimized, and which is able to work in a coordinated and effective manner. The manager should study and use those environmental factors that have a favorable impact on the performers and increase the efficiency of the team. In performing the educational function, the manager must activate and develop personal qualities in employees that contribute to more fruitful work of the individual employee and the team as a whole. All of these multifaceted functions of a manager cannot be performed without sufficient knowledge of psychology and experience in applying it in practice.


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How to Cite
KHVATOVA , O. (2024). PSYCHOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL MANAGEMENT STYLE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 12-18.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and