Keywords: personnel potential, personnel management, management system, vocational and technical education institutions, trends in the development of vocational and technical education.


The article reveals the main content of vocational education personnel management as a complex process with specific features and regularities. Understanding these processes is necessary for managers of modern educational institutions, employees of personnel services to ensure the constant development of personnel potential, increase the efficiency, and quality of work of vocational education institutions. The trends in the development of vocational education have been identified, which influence its development, contributing to the training of qualified workers who can meet the needs of the modern labor market, in particular: changing the focus of vocational education to practical training of students; the need for constant updating of students’ knowledge and skills; cooperation between educational institutions and employers; focusing on the development of soft skills such as communication, leadership, cooperation and problemsolving. It was found that the head of an individual vocational and technical education institution is not fully responsible for the work of his institution, as it is regulated by state structures at the local and state levels, as a result of which there is limited funding and legal resources. The role of motivation and stimulation in management is substantiated personnel in vocational and technical education institutions for the development of their personnel potential. It was concluded that in vocational and technical education institutions, the development of personnel potential includes professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, as well as personnel career planning. In order to ensure the competitiveness of specialists, it is necessary to implement more active forms of training, to pay attention to the issues of motivation and career planning of pedagogical workers. It is advisable to work with personnel in a modern vocational education institution taking into account the specifics and adapting traditional methods of personnel management to the conditions of the vocational education institution.


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How to Cite
ZIUKOVA, L. (2023). CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 51-54.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and