Keywords: openness, power, citizens, efficiency, information openness, transparency.


The article defines the terminological base of the research, which includes such categories as «efficiency», «openness», «information openness», «transparency». It was determined that the unifying element of ensuring the efficiency and transparency of public administration today is the principle of openness, and in the modern digital environment to a greater extent even the principle of information openness. The key criteria of information openness are characterized, namely availability, completeness, relevance, efficiency, objectivity, scale and navigation accessibility. The positive and negative aspects of Internet portals (sites) as technologies for ensuring informational openness of public authorities are determined. Social networks (messengers) in ensuring informational openness of public management have been studied. The basic requirements for ensuring information openness of public management bodies are substantiated. The main problems in the field of information openness of public management and the factors that influence the information behavior of a person are analyzed. Within the framework of the
conducted research, it was determined that the following are the key areas of development of ensuring the efficiency and transparency of public management in the context of information openness: focusing on the information needs of certain social groups; availability for citizens and businesses of information about the government and the possibilities of interaction with it; involvement of citizens in state activities and decision-making processes, both at the national and regional levels; simplicity, convenience and availability of mechanisms for expressing a civil position; transparency in the management of public finances and procurement; transparency in the implementation of targeted development programs; widespread use of public services in electronic form and their popularization; use of technological innovations by public officials and citizens; transparency and openness of primary accounting data necessary for authorities to make management decisions (in various areas), provided that they do not contain personal data and do not constitute state secrets.


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How to Cite
DOBROGORSKY, O., & KEDA, N. (2023). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROVISIONS FOR ENSURING THE EFFICIENCY AND TRANSPARENCY OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 6-10.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and