The article is devoted to the study of the use of marketing approaches in the management of preschool education institutions. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to choose the right marketing strategy of the preschool institution, which depends on its success, competitiveness and further development. The relevance of the research is confirmed by the urgent need for the functioning of private preschool education institutions in the conditions of martial law, which will allow not to interrupt the child’s development even in adverse conditions. The purpose of the study is the application of marketing elements in the development of marketing strategies in private preschool education institutions. The publication examines the application of the basic elements of marketing in existing private preschool education institutions, as an outline for building marketing strategies of preschool education institutions in Ukraine as a whole. It was determined that education, in particular pre-school, ensures the acquisition of systematized competencies and acts as an essential factor in social development, on which the future of our country depends. As a result of the study of strategies for the development of education and the economy of Ukraine, it was found that today’s challenges regarding preschool education are the inability of the network of its institutions to cover all children of preschool age with quality and inclusive services; the need to update the content of preschool education in accordance with the needs of forming the primary social experience of children; insufficient incentives for the functioning of private preschool education institutions. It was determined that in the system of socio-economic relations in Ukraine, the field of preschool education is gradually being reformed, and marketing as a consumer-oriented methodology increasingly dominates the field of preschool services, in particular, preschool education institutions of various forms of ownership, sizes, and types of educational services operate on the market, which creates and intensifies competition between them. As a result, the article proposes to develop a marketing strategy of a private preschool educational institution in terms of the elements of the classic marketing complex, namely such strategies as product, price and promotion strategy
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