Keywords: centralization of power, decentralization of power, European and world experience of education reform, educational institutions, educational management models.


The article examines aspects of the international experience of education system formation in conditions of decentralization of power in countries such as France, Poland, the Czech Republic, and the USA. It was determined
that Ukraine must quickly and with the least losses overcome the shortcomings of the post-Soviet education management system in order to create a competitive national education system, therefore, studying the experience of countries around the world, analyzing mistakes and successes in reforming the education system in conditions of decentralization of power are necessary to successfully overcome all difficulties in the future development of the national education system. It was concluded that educational systems within the European Union remain unique in each country with a different degree of centralization or decentralization of management and financing of education, therefore it is necessary to find a rational «golden mean» in each of these systems and apply it in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization authorities. The impact of the democratization of education management on increasing the autonomy and level of socialization of educational institutions is determined. The concepts of «democratization» and «decentralization» are highlighted and the influence of these processes on the conditions of functioning of schools, stimulation of creative activity of teams and management is determined. The experience of some countries was studied, which shows that a strong legal state, which supports the principle of equality of all before the law, should be a guarantor of democratic rights in various spheres of social life, and first of all, in quality education. The article also focuses on the main areas of decentralization of educational institution management. Ways to improve the quality and practical significance of education a on the study of the experience of modernization and modification of the education system of the countries of the world and the application of these approaches in the future in the institutions of domestic education, which will contribute to the creation of conditions for deepening the knowledge of education seekers, improving the quality of educational services, socio-economic development country, ensuring the growth of Ukraine’s competitiveness, as well as the creation of new jobs with higher requirements for knowledge and skills.
re proposed, based


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How to Cite
POTAPOVA, O. (2022). INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF FORMATION OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE CONDITIONS OF DECENTRALIZATION OF POWER. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 37-42.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and