Keywords: state management, organizational and legal support, cultural sphere, state policy, genesis.


The article considers sphere of cultural sphere development at the level of state management, besides, the state program of economical and social development in Ukraine, the programs of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
the target programs in the spheres of culture during the times of the State independence. It is also mainly focused on comparative historical analysis of the cultural content and organizational and legal support of culture state management on the territory of Ukraine. The main problems of regulatory, legal and financial support for the cultural development in the conditions of transformational changes are revealed. The essence of the concepts «state administration», «sphere of culture», «culture» is highlighted. The problems of state management in the cultural sphere in the social, spiritual, humanitarian, and organizational aspects were studied, and the cultural sphere was defined as an integral component of the full­fledged development of the individual and society as a whole. Culture itself is the basis for each citizen self­identification and is remains the significant lever of state policy providing its contribution to the development of the national outlook. Modernization in the cultural sphere of Ukraine will allow to effectively form Ukrainian cultural values as an investment to the future of the State. Today, the sphere of culture is integrated into all aspects of social life, economy and politics, which specifies the urgency of the reform direction determination, requires certain shifts in the state regulation of the cultural sphere in Ukraine. Dissertation studies of Ukrainian scientists devoted to the development of state management in the sphere of culture were analyzed. Methodological and methodical approaches to the formation of strategic mechanisms of state management in the specified sphere and the reformation potential of the state’s cultural policy were determined. The main direction of further research should be the transformational reform content and nature disclosure of the state management system in the field of culture during the period of Ukrainian independence, the determination of priority directions for reforming the sphere of culture in our country, modern trends and prospects for the development of state culture management at the regional level.


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How to Cite
YASHYNA, O. (2022). THE GENESYS OF LEGAL AND STRUCTURAL SUPPORT OF THE STATE CULTURE MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 21-26.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and