Our study analyzes the historical aspects of Ukraine’s European integration processes, new concepts of public policy and regional practices, the results of the transformation procedure: the structure, content of regional
and local authorities. In addition, the processes of influence of regional authorities on the sustainable socio-economic development of the territory and the satisfaction of human social needs are considered. It was noted that the key issues of development of state regional policy were overcoming the negative effects of authoritarian methods of governance and the first attempts to build new models of democratic foundations of administration, working out new mechanisms for effective cooperation of regional authorities, local governments, public institutions, city and village dwellers. The study considered the historical aspects of building the administrative-territorial structure which are aimed at providing critical infrastructure, socio-cultural facilities and strategies for their development and transformation into new conditions and needs of the community. The outlined regional processes took place in the context of building public administration in accordance with the ideology of the European community. The policy of democratization and decentralization became the basis of state policy, which was aimed at redistribution of power «from the center to the region», democratization of processes in the territories, the formation of responsible regional governance, restoring public confidence in government and human involvement in government and community. The new structural and functional system of the state regional administration was normatively established and implemented by the Constitution of Ukraine, which was adopted on June 28, 1996. General trends in the development of the strategy for building partnerships between government and public institutions, economic entities, which aims to build an effective, successful territory capable of overcoming the crisis of socio-economic development of the region are indicators of regional government development practices.
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