The article emphasizes that the task of pedagogical imageology is to build a comprehensive program of implementation and implementation of the image attributes of a modern teacher. The essence of the concept of the teacher's professional and pedagogical image is revealed and its features are characterized, which include not only external, but also internal professional qualities. The prerequisites for the formation of the teacher's image, the nature of his influence on the environment and the influence on the emotional and cognitive perception of students, colleagues and parents have been clarified. The characteristics of different types of image, the main components, such as verbal and non-verbal communication, and approaches to the classification of image types depending on the purpose and environment of its implementation are presented. The functions of the image and the stages of its formation, including strategic planning and adaptation in conditions of change, are considered in detail. The role of the teacher's image as an effective means of humanizing education and increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, which makes the educational process more comfortable and effective, is substantiated. The article also emphasizes the importance of forming the image of a modern teacher in the context of public education management. It is noted that the image of a teacher is not only a means of increasing his professional efficiency and authority, but also an important tool of management strategies in the field of education, which ensures the effectiveness of educational reforms. It is shown that the formation of a positive image helps to strengthen public trust in educational institutions, increase their reputation, and create an environment of cooperation and mutual support. In addition, a positive image improves communication between all participants in the educational process, increasing the level of mutual understanding and interaction. In particular, teachers with a high professional image are more often involved in the discussion of strategic decisions, take an active part in professional events and exchange of experience, which, in turn, contributes to the general improvement of the quality of education. Open and trusting communication between the participants of the educational process allows to solve problems more effectively, avoid conflicts and create a common vision of ways of educational development.
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