In recent years, Ukraine has faced a serious and extremely difficult challenge to its national security, which arose in connection with the aggression of a neighboring state. This aggression aims to undermine sovereignty, destroy territorial integrity, change the democratic constitutional system and harm other vital national interests of Ukraine. In the conditions of such aggression, equipping the armed forces takes on priority, since the country's defense capability and its ability to resist external threats depend on the effectiveness of this process. Studying the mechanisms of staffing the armed forces is an urgent task both for ensuring the proper functioning of defense institutions and for building a long-term national security strategy.
The article examines in detail and compares various approaches to equipping the armed forces, which are used in world practice. Special attention is paid to analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of manning, including voluntary enlistment, contract service, mobilization, and mixed systems. The impact of various social, economic and political factors on the effectiveness of the functioning of these mechanisms was assessed. It was found that the effectiveness of recruitment often depends on the level of public trust in the state, legislative norms regulating this process, and the general level of preparation of the population for possible conscription.
A significant part of the study is devoted to the analysis of the legislation of Ukraine regarding the staffing of the armed forces. In particular, legislative acts determining the procedure for mobilization, conscription and selection for military service were considered. A number of factors have been identified that affect the effectiveness of the implementation of these measures, such as legal gaps, administrative difficulties and public attitudes. Based on the conclusions of the research of domestic and foreign experts, a number of measures are proposed that can contribute to increasing the efficiency of the mechanisms of staffing the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among them are the improvement of legislation, increasing the motivation of military personnel, optimization of mobilization processes, and the use of advanced training and training methods. Thus, the presented study is a comprehensive review of existing approaches to the staffing of the armed forces and an assessment of their application in the Ukrainian context. It is aimed at the development of effective mechanisms that will not only meet modern challenges, but also ensure the country's permanent defense capability in the face of a long-term external threat.
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