The article is devoted to the search for ways to develop, establish and improve the ways of gender identity in public administration and its impact on the formation of the future of a democratic state. The article examines the specifics of using the categories of gender and gender equality to ensure the future formation and efficiency of public administration in a democratic state with a sufficient social level and values. Within the framework of the fact that the process of economic, political and social regulation and development of the state is impossible without compliance with the established legal and legislative regulations. Ensuring equality of persons in the performance of duties and equal access to the exercise of citizens' rights with proper legal regulation does not always ensure and determine equality of men and women without regard to gender. The article formulates a hypothesis that proper gender equality without stereotypes and misconceptions with general and understandable features that are understood as equality in general, and clarification of some special features proper for the development of gender culture to distinguish it from other types of equality. The article reveals that there are different approaches to changes in public administration, but the gender approach, in which there are no clear distinctions between men and women, is developing. Gender equality is gaining momentum in its development and is an integral part of ensuring the general principles of equality of persons in all spheres of life in the absence of restrictions or privileges on the basis of gender, equal opportunities, non-discrimination, inviolability of equality of citizens in their rights on the principles of equal rights and freedoms. The article determines that public administration bodies are responsible for a stable and existing balance which cannot be changed in favor of one or the other gender. The article attempts to provide a scientific interpretation and trace the peculiarities of ensuring gender equality of rights and freedoms of women and men in Ukraine, and identifies possible factors for improvement.
Among the solutions to pressing issues, it is noted that providing women and men with equal opportunities in cultural and social activities, education and vocational training, equal remuneration, and the opportunity to train gender advisers to implement gender equality in professional activities, education and the formation of gender culture among young people will lead to democratic changes in the country.
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