Keywords: Key words: remuneration, civil servant, motivation, principles.


Summary. Effective management is not possible without understanding the needs and motives of civil servants,
and there is a need to properly use the incentive to work. In the current conditions in Ukraine at the current stage
of development, the problem of motivating the personality of civil servants has become especially important, as
solving the challenges facing society is possible only if the appropriate motivational principles are created that
can motivate staff to civil service and effective activities. In public administration, motivation is a very complex and controversial process that differs from other areas of human activity, because civil servants are primarily
people who manage other people. The main purpose of civil servants is based on solving the tasks of the
state in ensuring the welfare of members of society, public interests based on the principles and provisions
established by law: the Constitution, basic laws on these issues, other regulations. The effectiveness of the
civil service depends on the quality of work of civil servants, which, first of all, depends on the behavior
inherent in them. It is necessary to find out what motives drive a person, which stimulates him to perform
activities, and which limit, and only then you need to develop a system of motivation that will form the
vector that is necessary for the organization. Peculiarities of work motivation in public administration form a
special interest, given the level of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of civil servants. The purpose
of the study is to form guidelines for the development of the system of motivation of civil servants in Ukraine.
The research used the method of theoretical generalization and concretization; analysis and synthesis – in order
to study the state of the researched problems. The article defines the theoretical principles and system­forming
principles of motivation in the civil service, analyzes the main stages of motivation of civil servants, describes
the requirements for the motivation system in the civil service, identifies effective motivation factors in designing
activities, analyzes a number of requirements for the system. basic approaches to the choice of motivation strategy
of the civil service with justification for choosing the most effective at this stage of development. As a result
of the research the purpose of the article is fulfilled. In particular, it is determined that the main reference point
in the development of the motivational system should be the study and development of the personality of a civil
servant. Specialists in the formation of the motivational system should study staff as individuals; to study the living
conditions of the family of workers, the level of their material and social expectations; to determine the expediency
and compliance of the employee with the position, workplace; the level of its competence, growth reserve; determine
the level of social needs, especially of leaders; to make a socio­psychological portrait of a civil servant and assess
the level of his professional suitability, creating the following questions: how the employee thinks about himself,
how others think about him, who he really is. With the help of various methods of personnel evaluation, specialists
should help each person to understand himself, to determine life goals, his place in the civil service, to give a person
the opportunity for self­realization and self­development.


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How to Cite
SHEVCHENKO, O. (2021). THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FUNDAMENTALS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF MOTIVATION OF CIVIL SERVANTS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 18-23.