Keywords: network education, public administration, design, regional projects, institutionalization, innovations.


The article analyzes the specifics of designing network forms of education organization at the regional level based on domestic scientific research. It is shown that in the modern conditions of reforming the education system, the most urgent task is the network organization of educational activities. An educational network in a certain region can be considered as a set of educational subjects that provide each other with appropriate educational resources in order to further improve the efficiency and quality of education. It is argued that the network model of the educational space of the region functions as a structural-functional system of interdependent open centers and nodes that are constantly expanding and changing, providing flexibility and dynamism in solving problems. The form of innovative changes is the implementation of network projects that adapt regional education to the processes of formation and development of the network educational space. It is proven that the very method of transformation of regional educational spaces should be considered as a mechanism that legitimizes innovative initiatives of the participants of the educational network and ensures their approval. Thus, the most effective form of network interaction would be the creation of autonomous bodies, such as educational management coordination councils, open competitions for educational projects in the regions, tenders for regional programs of various levels, etc. In the project, the center of attention should be the formation of an autonomous structure based on various innovative experiences in the field of self-organization of educational institutions. This project should be considered as a resource for the qualitative transformation of the innovative potential of education in the region. It was determined that one of the main tasks in the organization of such a project is to identify the conditions and mechanisms of institutionalization of network innovations and their impact on the local educational system. Not only the educational system is changing, but also how it develops in the future, based on the most productive direction of changes from the point of view of the goals set by the educational reforms. Institutionalization of educational projects means legal and organizational integration of network innovations, which become new structural components in a variety of educational spaces.


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How to Cite
ROMANENKO , K. (2024). DESIGNING NETWORK SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 87-93.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and