Keywords: public administration, education, socio-cultural environment, development, innovations, management mechanisms, public activity, culture.


The article identifies leading issues of managing the development of the socio-cultural environment in modern conditions due to the influence of the educational system as a platform for the formation of common values. The current stage of the development of Ukrainian society is marked by profound transformations that require a new approach to managing the socio-cultural environment. Education, as one of the most important mechanisms of this management, is gaining special relevance. To achieve the goal of the research, the method of theoretical analysis and generalization, systematization, and comparative method was used. A retrospective analysis of changes in the system of views on the formation of the sociocultural environment through ethnological research was carried out. It was determined that the sociocultural environment is a system that includes various elements: material and spiritual values, traditions, norms, institutions. A number of sociocultural processes are analyzed in the context of a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that depends on a complex of factors. Management of the education system makes it possible to broadcast cultural values, shape personality, promote social mobility and development of society. In order for education to effectively fulfill its role, it is necessary to constantly update the content and methods of education, to ensure the availability of quality education for all people, to remove barriers that prevent people from receiving quality education. The article presents the structure of managing the development of the sociocultural environment, identified and visualized the mechanisms of managing the sociocultural environment. It is promising in this direction to increase the role of civil society, comprehensive involvement of citizens in making socially important decisions, development of support for self-organization and local self-government, use of digital technologies in community development, creation of new forms of social communication, development of intercultural dialogue. Current problems accompanying the implementation of the above-mentioned mechanisms are considered. Proposed prospects for the development of the education system in Ukraine as a factor of the socio-cultural environment.


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How to Cite
RYBKINA , S. (2024). DETERMINING THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 79-86.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and