Keywords: educational institution, educational environment, conflict situation, conflict-related competence, management of the conflict process.


School is a space of mutual relations and interaction, there is a special risk of conflicts and disputes. Their cause is misunderstandings and disputes among students, their lack of communication skills and subjective attitudes towards each other, misunderstandings between teachers and the administration, conflicts between teachers, etc. Conflicts in themselves are not always negative. But if the conflict deepens, does not end with the pacification of both parties, it can negatively affect the work of the school. The article examines the problem of conflicts in the modern school and ways of solving them, focused primarily on the determinants of interpersonal contacts. The causes of the conflict of interests between subjects in the educational space are considered. The main focus is on identifying the essence of the conflict, determining the main sources of disputes in the school, as well as the phases through which the conflict passes. Specified types of conflicts taking into account different separation criteria. The consequences of conflict situations are presented, while it is noted that a conflict situation does not necessarily lead to the emergence of a dysfunctional conflict. The conditions necessary for the pre-conflict situation to turn into the conflict stage, ways of solving it and recommendations for solving the conflict situation have been identified. The specifics of conflicts in teaching teams are also described and their classification is given. The most common ways of avoiding conflict in the teaching staff are considered - traditional and modern, as well as effective communication techniques for reducing conflict tension. The negative consequences of conflicts for each group of subjects of the educational environment are shown. The article draws attention to the important role of teachers in resolving student disputes using safe and effective ways of reconciliation, rather than escalating conflicts. The need to develop the conflict-related competence of teachers and administration as a condition for preventing conflicts in the teaching staff of an educational institution is emphasized.


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How to Cite
LISNIEVSKA , Y. (2024). CONFLICT PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT INTERESTS IN THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 70-78.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and