Keywords: public administration, artificial intelligence, blockchain, benchmarking, adaptive management, project management.


The article provides an overview of innovative approaches as key tools for improving the efficiency of public administration in the educational and cultural spheres. The authors highlight approaches and sets of conceptual provisions for the implementation of modern forms of management in the fields of education, namely, out-of-school education and culture, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, benchmarking, adaptive management, project management, and customer relationship management. The popularity of these technologies is growing every day, and the use of digital tools allows us to optimize all areas of human activity. This article examines the system of modern forms of management as mechanisms for regulating public administration in the fields of education and culture, defines the organization of the process of digitalization of management activities and the benefits of their use. Digital development is increasingly covering the spheres of education and culture, which is essential in shaping their competitiveness. Thanks to the use of modern digital technologies, we can observe qualitative changes in the interaction of public authorities with citizens and businesses in the field of culture and out-of-school education, which plays an important role in regulating public administration in these areas. It is worth noting that attention is also paid to the application of these forms and methods in the management of extracurricular education and culture, and it is determined that the integrated introduction of digital technologies provides new opportunities. The research and publications that exist in the national scientific discourse are considered. Scientists have identified the main trends in the introduction of various innovations and technologies in the field of public administration, and the key advantages of their use are argued. Effective governance is defined as a strategic tool for the development of education and culture and is characterized by the fact that its effectiveness depends on the rational management of human and material resources, project teams, the introduction of innovations and the efficient use of investments, as well as the realization of creative potential and professional competencies. The article is devoted to highlighting topical issues related to the system of modern forms of management as a mechanism for regulating public administration in the fields of education and culture. This article is theoretical.


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How to Cite
YASHYNA, O., & SHABAIEVA , L. (2024). THE SYSTEM OF MODERN FORMS OF MANAGEMENT AS MECHANISM OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 38-45.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and