Keywords: public administration mechanisms, social systems, globalization, public-private partnership, sustainable development.


The article substantiates the importance of improving the mechanisms for managing social systems in the context of globalization. The authors reviews and analyzes the main concepts of social development, including the concepts of systemic, functional, structural-functional, cybernetic, synergistic, and institutional approaches. The main features of globalization as a dynamic and comprehensive process that creates prerequisites for improving management systems are identified. The paper focuses on the aspect that effective governance mechanisms will allow to adapt to changing conditions, maximize the positive effects of globalization, such as access to new markets, technologies and knowledge, ensure sustainable development, and maintain social cohesion. The author reviews the importance of the transformation of digital communities as a new form of "social flows" in the era of acceleration, where the use of crowd-funding, group design, group innovation, and corrective interaction tools that allow to withstand all the challenges of globalization are increasingly manifested. The paper pays attention to the formation of new social contracts between government, business, the social sector and employees, which can be better implemented in practice in the context of the use of generative artificial intelligence technologies. A flowchart has been constructed, which defines a direct relationship between the existing types of social systems, approaches and tools to management, and the determination of performance indicators of the measures taken. The author identifies five areas of priority improvement of the mechanisms for managing social systems, including the ability to adapt, diversify, take responsibility, and establish a balance between centralized and local decisions. The author analyzes the fundamental issues of public-private partnerships as a tool for accelerating the formation of a network of healthy communities, developing education and skills necessary for a productive life, and expanding "public spaces."


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How to Cite
SOKOLOVA , E., & PIDLEPYAN , N. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANISMS FOR MANAGING SOCIAL SYSTEMS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION . Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 24-31.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and