The article is devoted to the search for measures to support and develop small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine in modern conditions. As part of this, a study of the terminology of state support, foreign experience in the implementation of the development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship was carried out, proposals aimed at improving the conditions of this sphere were presented. It was determined that state support for small and medium-sized enterprises should be understood as effective management by the state, which provides for the creation of special conditions for business development, in particular, through the formation of incentives and the use of financial resources. The article defines effective mechanisms for the support and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in developed countries using the example of Estonia and Ireland. As a result, the following measures for the support and development of small and medium-sized enterprises are proposed: to cover various risk categories (citizens who have lost their jobs due to downsizing or liquidation of the organization; citizens who are at risk of dismissal, for example, sent on unpaid leave or transferred to part-time work; citizens who have the status of internally displaced persons); creating conditions for grant support to entrepreneurs whose activities are aimed at achieving socially useful goals, for example, socially significant services (educational, psychological services, organization of children's recreation, assistance to people with disabilities, improvement of their living conditions and assistance in adaptation); provision of accounting, tax, audit, marketing, legal and other consulting services to entrepreneurs; implementation of tools for increasing demand for innovations and increasing the activity of interaction between small and medium-sized businesses and science (implementation of practice (innovation vouchers) The study of supporting small and medium-sized entrepreneurship made it possible to form an opinion on the possibilities of rapid development of business, primarily due to its stimulation, to stimulate the interaction of business and science, as well as the practical implementation of the knowledge economy.
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