Keywords: evolution, public administration, health care system, medicine, history.


The stages of the evolution of public administration in the field of health care are considered. The processes of world history and the practice of forming management in the field of medicine are updated. It was found that domestic scientists did not pay enough attention to the issues of the evolution of the management of the health care system, the study of which is important for public management for several reasons: the possibility of identifying successful and unsuccessful practices of past periods, which will help to improve the system of medical services; the opportunity to understand the development trends of domestic medicine in the context of demographic changes, technological progress and social transformations; an opportunity to identify the most effective methods of using resources in the field of health care. The stages of the evolution of public administration in the field of health care, which took place over many centuries from ancient civilizations to the present, are analyzed.

It is emphasized that a thorough analysis of the evolution of the management of the medical industry helps to improve and optimize modern approaches to management, contributing to increasing the efficiency of the system. The analysis is also important for the science of public administration, as it provides an opportunity for scientific research and evaluation of various approaches to the justification of management strategies and policies, identification of shifts that influenced the development of the health care system, helps to understand how the health care system has adapted to changes in the socio-economic and political environment in order to better understand how to effectively respond to modern challenges and changes.

It is concluded that the historical review of the evolution of public management in the health care system reflects complex dynamics that were determined by various social, political, economic and technological factors over the centuries. In ancient civilizations, the first attempts to organize medical care were observed, the need for management of the industry increased in the era of industrialization and mass migration of the population, and the modern period is characterized by a constant process of modernization to introduce the latest technologies, improve access to medical care and ensure the quality of services.


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How to Cite
NEFODOV , O., VASKIVSKYI , S., & KULYK, O. (2024). EVOLUTION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH CARE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 6-11. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-698X-2024-1-1
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and