Keywords: Key words: social partnership, society, relationships, labor relations.


Summary. In today’s world, social partnership is one of the main factors in the organization of market conditions
and one of the essential aspects of interaction between people in the process of production circumstances. In recent
years, social partnership has tended to develop at a fairly high wave. The course on the EU in Ukraine involves
the application of certain standards in the socio-economic, political, cultural and spiritual field. Translating these
standards into reproducible and established social practices, as well as personal beliefs, is crucial to the success of the
whole cause. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the trends in the development of social partnership in Ukraine.
The following research methods are used in the article: the method of theoretical generalization and concretization –
in order to study the state of the studied issues. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of social partnership is
investigated in the article. It is noted that in the scientific literature there is no single provision for defining the
terminology of «social partnership». However, according to many scholars, the main idea of social partnership should
be considered social interaction, based on awareness of the need for mutual consultation of public relations and
employers with the participation of the state, as well as the need for collective bargaining. The conditions that are
adequate for a socially oriented market economy to create relevant forms of social and labor relations in Ukraine
are determined. The legal basis of social partnership is described. As a result of the research, it was determined that
maintaining a stable state of the social order in the country requires renewing approaches to social partnership, in
particular, overcoming the inertia of labor relations and paternalistic ideology of the population. This, in turn, will
ensure the formation of conditions for the development of society and improve the quality of life of each participant
in social and labor relations.


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How to Cite
DOBRIANSKA, O. (2021). TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP IN UKRAINE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 1(1), 6-10.