Keywords: education, quality, problems of professional education, human resources management, personnel development strategy, Ukraine.


The article substantiates the importance of quality professional education for modern youth and the country as a whole. It is noted that one of the ways to get a high-quality, affordable and suitable education for their interests and needs is professional (professional) education, which involves students choosing a certain direction or specialization in high school. Professional education allows you to deepen your knowledge of subjects that are interesting and important for the future profession in order to continue studying at a higher level. An analysis of the problems of vocational education that affect its quality is carried out, in particular, the problems of the quality of vocational education at the level of personnel management are highlighted. A systematized sequence of steps in the formation of a personnel development strategy to improve the quality of education, taking into account the characteristics of the educational institution: involvement of interested parties; analysis of needs and problems to determine key directions for improving the quality of professional education; development of an action plan with the establishment of specific goals, deadlines and responsible persons; regular monitoring and performance evaluation; cooperation with other educational institutions, scientific institutions and organizations to exchange experience and gain new knowledge; constant improvement and search for ways to improve the quality of professional education. The methods and tools of human resources management are proposed to improve labor productivity, retain and develop personnel, create a favorable working environment, and achieve the organization's goals. The use of tools to encourage staff to experiment and use innovative teaching methods in the personnel strategy, which will contribute to improving the quality of education and student satisfaction, is substantiated; an example of successful application of personnel management methods is given. It was concluded that ensuring the country's competitiveness on the international market requires high-quality professional education. In order to solve the problem of low quality of professional education at the level of personnel management, the head of an educational institution must be able to develop and implement a personnel development strategy, taking into account the characteristics of a specific educational institution, aimed at improving the quality of education. In the personnel strategy of the educational institution, it is necessary to emphasize the encouragement of personnel to innovate and experiment with new teaching methods, to focus on the development and use of employees' competencies, and to ensure the process of continuous professional development of teachers.


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How to Cite
KHYTKO, M., & PIDLEPIAN, N. (2023). STRATEGY OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT THROUGH HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 2(2), 50-55.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and