Keywords: pedagogical education, public administration, quality of education management, quality of education, quality of professional pre-higher education


The article analyzes the concepts of the quality of education and the quality of professional pre-higher pedagogical education in the context of different approaches to the definition, both from the side of the legislation and in the context of several fields of knowledge (in particular, public administration and pedagogy). The author emphasizes the role of the state in the management of pedagogical education and examines the influence of other subjects of management, reveals the importance of ensuring the continuous improvement of the quality of education, focuses on the development of the quality of pedagogical education as a basis for sustainable development of the country.

In the course of the study, the development of the problem of the quality of professional pre-higher pedagogical education was updated and it was established that there is no strategy for the development of this component of education in Ukraine, which is a significant obstacle for public administration in accordance with the pressing issues. In order to determine the priority directions for the development of the quality of professional pre-higher education, the article analyzes the regulatory and legal field within the defined issues, namely: The National Strategy for the Development of Education of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Vocational Pre-Higher Education», Concept of the Development of Pedagogical Education. During the analysis, the key advantages and disadvantages of the existing legal regulation were identified.

Special attention in the article was paid to the Law of Ukraine «On Professional Pre-Higher Education» and the chapter on ensuring the quality of professional pre-higher education. A detailed analysis of this system confirmed its integrated nature, which combines not only internal aspects of quality control and assessment of professional pre-higher education, but also external mechanisms that contribute to objective assessment and maintenance of education quality standards. On the basis of the analyzed materials, the author developed the stages of the process of quality management of the professional pre-higher education, identified the advantages and disadvantages of quality provision of the professional pre-higher education, and proposed ways to improve it.


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How to Cite
VOLOSHKA, Y. (2023). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF THE QUALITY OF PROFESSIONAL PRE-HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, 2(2), 40-44.
"Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald", Series: "Public Management and