Keywords: Key words: synergetics, self-organization, dual learning, education.


Summary. The article considers the requirements for education, which orient the teacher to the use of tools adequate
to the level of development of modern technologies of dual education and which meet the needs of the beginning of the
XXI century.
The research is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the transition to the introduction of synergetic
methodology for managing educational processes. Without substituting general pedagogical, psychological, cultural
bases and educational concepts, philosophy, as a systemic vision of the problems and prospects of educational
development, must first consider the fundamental worldview demands. In this context, the application of synergetics
and synergetic approach is raised, which successfully reflect the different levels of consideration of the applicability and
interaction of dual learning and the current state of education. It is proposed to use synergetics both in education itself,
for educational purposes, and to use the synergy of the educational process itself.
The publication, through the prism of philosophy, attempts to identify and rethink the results of research on the nature
of the use of synergetic methodology in relation to educational processes in the management of dual learning. The article
proves that educational synergetics applies universal characteristics of self-organized systems for dual learning.


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How to Cite
MIROSHNYCHENKO, A., & SHYNKARENKO, V. (2021). SYNERGETIC METHODOLOGY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF DUAL LEARNING. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 42-47.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy