Keywords: Key words: education for sustainable development, ecological education, globalization, personality, communication, philosophy.


Summary. In the work on the basis of interdisciplinary and metaparadigmatic approaches dominated by systems
analysis and culturological approach, the study of education for sustainable development as a scientific object that
combines the subject of philosophy of education and pedagogy. A generalized analysis of existing approaches to
understanding education for sustainable development is given. Modern education for sustainable development is a
harmonious complement to humanistic education in the part related to the interaction of man and the environment.
Today, as always, there is a need to maximize humanization processes in various spheres of human life. However, along
with this, new priorities are coming to education, which reflect the processes of globalization and the need to harmonize
human-nature relations. Accordingly, the focus of education for sustainable development is the problems of optimal
organization of the environment of mankind in general and each person in particular. It is concluded that the studied
phenomenon acts as an integral construct that can be used for systematic analysis of changes in the education of the
post-classical model. It is shown that the main directions of education development are determined by the principles
of sustainable development society and the reflection of these principles in the educational sphere. The interrelation
of the formation of a safe and favorable environment for human development and changes in modern education, as
well as areas of education for sustainable development in specific pedagogical representations. in modern conditions,
education for sustainable development goes far beyond traditional environmental issues. It serves as a basis for the
integration of almost all innovation processes in the field of education, ensuring the complementarity of changes in education and society. The basic dimensions of modern education (mediality, subject-centeredness, openness, etc.)
are also characteristics of education for sustainable development. The main direction of further research should be
considered the development of methodology and methods of conceptual synthesis of educational innovations based
on the principles of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
KARPAN, I. (2021). PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF CONCEPTUAL FUNDAMENTALS OF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 36-41.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy