Keywords: mental trauma, children's behavioral reactions, fairy tale therapy, therapeutic fairy tale.


The article deals with the problem of psychological help to children who suffered as a result of crisistraumatic events in Ukraine. These threats usually cause intense fear in situations where children witness or possibly become victims of brutal violence in their habitual living, witness the destruction of property (homes) and are forced to flee in panic. Psychotherapeutic work with a child who has experienced psychotraumatic events involves helping him to restore a sense of security, which is largely ensured by the appropriate construction of a psychotherapeutic relationship, and is also strengthened in connection with the opportunities that the child receives in the process of creating a safe environment with the help of visual materials . The article discusses typical behavioral reactions of children to mental trauma. One of the most effective means of preventing and overcoming mental trauma is the use of art therapy methods, among which fairy-tale therapy plays an important role. Fairytale therapy helps children get rid of complexes, find a way out of a difficult situation, not to lose their strength of spirit and faith in good, because evil is always defeated. Fairy tales cause an intense emotional reaction. Thanks to fairy-tale therapy, the child will be able to survive difficult psycho-emotional states and experience the process of observing military actions, forced escape from home, adaptation to a new place of living. The materials presented in the article are addressed to psychological and pedagogical workers and parents who work with children of preschool and primary school age or raise their own. An algorithm for creating a therapeutic fairy tale is provided, thanks to which specialists will be able to compose therapeutic fairy tales themselves and provide assistance to children. Informational material will help adults find the right words when communicating with a child to describe their feelings, explain some difficult things, and, most importantly, restore strength and resources for further feelings of peace, stability and joy.


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How to Cite
KOBZJEVA, I. (2022). OVERCOMING MENTAL TRAUMA IN CHILDREN USING FAIRYTALE THERAPY. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 66-72. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7005-2022-1-12
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy