
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of quality of preschool education in the conditions of modernization of the national education system and development of the New Ukrainian school. It is noted that the XXI century is a period of civilizational change, in which quality education is a component of national security, a tool for ensuring the quality of human life and society. Therefore, the issues of modernization of the national education sector in order to ensure quality education, starting from the first link - preschool, are becoming increasingly important. The authors note that the reform of preschool education requires a renewal of the preschool paradigm, understanding and rethinking the processes taking place in society and education, in particular, and on this basis a new vision should be formed. According to the authors, the updated Basic Component of Preschool Education as a State Educational Standard, which brings together the advanced ideas and views of preschool educators, is an important and necessary step in the modernization of preschool education. Through the analysis of key indicators of preschool education quality of the updated Standard (qualified and motivated teachers, monitoring, management) an attempt was made to investigate the phenomenon of preschool education quality, its main factors and ways to ensure in the context of reforming the national education sector. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the success of educational reform depends primarily on the effective pedagogical potential of professionals working in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the formation of human resources of preschool education should include adherence to the principles of democratic selection of teachers, creating favorable working
conditions for educators and creative microclimate in the team, involving teachers in the innovation process, ensuring professional growth and lifelong learning. The main aspects of the implementation and use of monitoring the quality of preschool education, which is common for general secondary education and higher education, are highlighted, and the domestic system of monitoring the quality of preschool education has recently begun to take shape, which today is going through a difficult period of its formation and development.


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How to Cite
SHVYDUN, L., MAIDANENKO, S., & KULBACH, L. (2022). PRESCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERNIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 40-44.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy