Keywords: self-realization, techno-informational reality, identity, self-realization.


The article examines the influence of the factors of the technocratic information society on changes in a persons self-identification. The consequences of the fourth information revolution and modern communication
conditions create a new model of human existence in a rather complex globalized world. The processes of virtualization and gamification, which have entered into the everyday life of a person, allow you to feel the virtual presence by escaping from real life. This gives rise to the problem of loss of identity and the meaning of human existence. Self-identification is an important fact of a persons awareness of his place and role in the circle of social relationships in the new conditions of social reality. It was found that self-identification is a multifaceted concept and encompasses several meanings, such as identity and selfhood, self-awareness and self-realization, etc. Outlining the problem of adaptation and socialization of a person in the conditions of techno-informational reality, self-identification problems are considered in the focus of social identity as a system of social constructs of the individual. It is substantiated that the involvement of a modern person in an sphere of information, virtual of social space creates special conditions and requires new self-identification mechanisms. It was found that self-identification mechanisms capable of reducing the influence of manipulation on a person can be categories of Internet spiritual activity supported by self-regulation and self-realization of the individual. The mechanism of self-identification, with contributes to the adaptation and socialization of the individual in the conditions of the expansion of the boundaries of the virtual world, is the multiple identity, with preserves the integrity of the self-concept from complete destruction.


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How to Cite
KOLIADA, I. (2022). SELF-IDENTIFICATION OF A PERSON IN THE CONDITIONS TECHNO-INFORMATIONAL REALITY. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 23-27.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy