Keywords: category, freedom, state, termination, component, similarity.


An open question is the connection of such a particular state of mental life of a person as a state of termination with the philosophical category of freedom. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to prove the similarities
of the category of freedom and the state of termination. To achieve this goal, it is manifested by what features the state of termination, as a certain psychological state of a person, is understood by the researcher as a state of freedom, by what properties and characteristics he has the opportunity to enter the philosophical category as «freedom». The methodology is based on a comparative method of research, that is, on the comparison of the characteristics of the category of freedom and the state of termination. In this study, the method of comparativeism is the identification of connections based on the comparison of different human states as phenomena of manifestations of the psyche and categories of philosophy that changed their content in different historical periods. That is, various human states are considered and the properties-characteristics of the state of cessation, the state under investigation, are revealed. At the same time, different views on freedom are considered as a philosophical category in its historical meaningful changes. Permanence and change at different historical times are even considered. The scientific news is that for the first time a comparison of the category of «freedom» and the state of termination is considered. The documentary literature on the basis of which the main property of such a state of human consciousness as termination is highlighted. According to this, the main characteristic was the analysis of the comparison of the state of «termination» and the philosophical category «freedom». The main properties-characteristics of the termination state have been identified. These prop – 2 erties-characteristics are compared with the characteristics of which the category «freedom» has. The conclusions show that the characteristics of the state of termination are similar to the ch It is established that there is a state in which a person feels self-sufficiency and freedom. All desires disappear for a while. It is proved that the state of termination is complete freedom from desires. lack of desire. It is also found that there is no need for external impressions. Man is free from all kinds of addictions. There is freedom. On the examples of documentaries of religious and mystical culture, it is established that in a state of feeling of freedom, also in a state of cessation, a person becomes above his desires, owns himself, he is free from shallow desires. This state of freedom and the state of termination are similar.
aracteristics of the category «freedom».


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How to Cite
MURASHKIN, M. (2022). TERMINATION IN THE CATEGORY FREEDOM. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 11-17. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7005-2022-1-2
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy