Keywords: Key words: corporeality, spirituality, health, soul.


Summary. The problem of the ratio of spiritual and physical in man has always been an important subject of
philosophical research. The main direction of the genesis of understanding the problem should be considered the constant
strengthening of views on the inextricable link between physical and spiritual in man. Within postmodern discourse,
traditional forms of connection between the human spirit and the body are being deconstructed, and the recognition of
their unity is combined with the emphasis on differences, as has been the case before, although not within dogmatic
Modern research methodology requires a clear specification of the logic of modern philosophy on the separation
and relationship of human spirit and body, primarily on the basis of synergetic and existentialist approaches, and on
this basis to describe and systematically analyze these phenomena. The most important from a methodological point
of view in the analysis of the relationship between mind and body in terms of health culture is the focus on identifying
the prerequisites for the integrity of the individual, which, in fact, determine its potential for healthy development and
disclosure of spiritual and physical health.
In modern philosophical literature, the dominant understanding of the crucial role of the spiritual component of human
nature is marked by the presence of dialectics of soul and body, which results in the formation of a number of factors in
its development, including health culture. In this case, the bodily factor is considered to be related to human society and
natural connections, which generally determine the influence of physical factors on human development. It is generally
accepted that it is the contradictory development of man and society as a whole, which stems from the contradictory nature
of the interaction between «body and soul», «social and natural», determines the actual factors of human development
and health culture. Within the dichotomy of spiritual and physical, natural and social origin, one can actually identify the
integrity of the person at any level. The interaction of spiritual-mental and corporeal-natural elements and forms a specific
quality that characterizes man as a whole, but changes in integrity do not mean perfection. The existential understanding
of the spiritual and corporeal integrity of man follows from the fact that life itself is the primary reality, organic bodily
integrity and spiritual dimension of man. The spiritual integrity of human existence leads to the predominance of the unity
of soul and body over their difference as a result of the subordination of the latter to the spiritual goals of life. Within a
culture of health, this means the integrity of health based on the dominance of spiritual health values.


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How to Cite
LAVROVA, L., SAVCHENKO, V., & KUTSIY, A. (2021). UNITY OF SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL AS THE BASIS OF HEALTH CULTURE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7005-2021-1-3
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy