
Summary. The urgency of the problem. It is expedient to talk about the formation of a felixological approach in the
study of the child's socialization as a component of social philosophy, philosophy of education and theory of pedagogy, in
a broader sense – one of the directions of postmodern philosophical thought. Of particular importance is the philosophical
analysis of the communicative component of the felixological approach, which remains on the periphery of research,
and which includes research on the role of social intelligence as a mechanism for effective communication in the space
of the child's life.
The purpose of the study Based on this, the purpose of the study is to determine the role of social intelligence in the felixological interpretation of the process of socialization.

Research methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the analysis of the felixological dimension of socialization

and the role of social intelligence in it includes traditional phenomenology, existentialist guidelines, communicative
studies, theoretical psychology, philosophical and pedagogical methodology as a representation of philosophical
universals in a particular field of knowledge.
Results of the research. Our study shows that the use of the felixological approach opens the possibility of a
comprehensive and philosophically sound analysis of the process of socialization of the child as a unique socio-cultural
phenomenon, the content of which is diverse, subjective and socially determined personality development. of this being.
A particularly important area of change is the communicative sphere, given the importance of effective communication
for the formation of conflict-free and favorable for the development of the child's space of socialization. Purposeful
study of the mechanisms of development of social and communicative competencies of the child shows that among
them one of the leading roles is played by social intelligence, the development of which provides effective interpersonal
communication in the space of socialization. Social intelligence should be considered the most adequate representation
of the communicative dimension of the felixological model of child socialization.

felixological interpretation of the process of socialization.


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How to Cite
STRUKOVA, T., & BRATANICH, B. (2021). SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE AS A COMPONENT OF THE FELIXOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE CHILD’S SOCIALIZATION. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 11-16.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy