Keywords: Key words: risks, socio-cultural development, spiritual security, socio-cultural development risks, value deconsolidation.


Summary. The article analyzes some of the riskogenic factors of the socio-cultural development of modern Ukraine.
These factors include value deconsolidation in Ukrainian society, educational system problems, negative globalization
aspects, and spiritual sphere deformations of the domestic society. It is noted that the Ukrainian society needs to deepen
the spiritual and cultural solidarity of citizens as an important factor in the consolidation of the modern political nation. It
is emphasized that the Ukrainian state, while implementing the reform of the education system, demonstrates the desire to
overcome the existing shortcomings of its functioning, but at the same time, it faces a number of problems that negatively
affect the socio-cultural space of the country: the inertia of the education management system, insufficient consistency and
thoughtfulness of the stages of systemic changes in education, rarely adequate level of legislative and resource support for
educational reforms, attempts to uncritically copy various foreign models of education without taking national specifics
into account. It is stated that a number of threats to the spiritual security of society and a person have formed in Ukraine,
which have a destructive effect on their socio-cultural development. The decrease in the general level of spirituality of
citizens, the excessive commercialization of public relations, the deformation of traditional cultural values and anti-values
(under the guise of new values) negatively affect the socio-cultural processes in our state. The sources of destabilizing
factors in the spiritual sphere are informational, ideological, psychological, organizational activities of certain subjects
aimed at destroying the socio-cultural space of our country. It is concluded that the significance of modern socio-cultural
processes is sometimes difficult to assess situationally, since their consequences, both positive and negative, usually have a
prolonged effect and can manifest themselves in the life of the next generations.



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How to Cite
KALYNOVSKYI, Y. (2021). RISKOGENIC FACTORS OF SOCIO-CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN UKRAINE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 6-10. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7005-2021-1-1
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy