Keywords: education, educational space, educational mobility, society, people.


The article considers educational mobility as a new paradigm of the educational process, as a marker of creating a new configuration of the educational space. The purpose of the article is to understand educational mobility as a phenomenon that creates new opportunities for a person living in the information age where educational mobility is a condition for the formation of polylogical human culture. The article states that information modernity creates new challenges for the existence of a person and society. It is about the self-reflection of a person, which is evidence of paradigmatic changes that affect the entire educational space. One of the existing problems is the contradictions associated with the formation and consolidation of such a socio-cultural practice as educational mobility. The latter acquires special relevance in the conditions of transformation of society and educational space. It is emphasized that a new configuration of interactions / communications is being created, which should be understood not only as participation or information transfer, but primarily as unity (A. Gofron). It is emphasized that philosophy, which is responsible for understanding the deep problems of human development, arises in the conditions of uncertainty in the conditions of modern technology. It is about the need for new communication which is what educational mobility stands for. It is noted that education as a creative process should not be separated from objective reality, that is, it should correspond to the changes that characterize society and the person himself. Educational mobility is developed as a new interaction that corresponds to the polylogical nature of culture and allows the individual to preserve his uniqueness, the ability to interact within the multicultural space. It is emphasized that modern Ukrainian society is characterized by a combination of the specifics of national education with the principles of the European educational space, which ends, on the one hand, with universalization, and on the other, with the creation of a space to support cultural diversity. It has been proven that educational mobility allows building new relationships in a situation of destruction of traditional social foundations, changes in fundamental semantic values. Educational mobility demonstrates the possibility of forming a new figure of a person or a person of a new culture. It is about the formation of new strategies, which are an imprint of the transformational processes of the present and a challenge for the life activity and life-creating life of a modern person. It is emphasized that educational mobility is aimed at activating the educational process, overcoming the principle of inventorying existing value or cultural systems. It is about their combination, which indicates tolerance, the possibility of dialogue and defining strategies in the context of joint responsibility for the further existence of humanity, which is impossible without the involvement of philosophical systems.


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How to Cite
PYLYPENKO, S., & DROBOTENKO, M. (2023). EDUCATIONAL MOBILITY AS A PLATFORM FOR THE FORMATION OF THE POLYLOGICAL CULTURE OF A MODERN PERSON. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 26-32.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy