Keywords: polymedia reality, social space, hybrid spaces, life in-between, new mobilities, network subjectivity


The theoretical analysis of the article focuses on understanding the topology of modern socio-cultural space, the peculiarities of which (re)configuration can be explained by the dynamic construction of the «in-between». The configurative format «in-between» means the ontological quality that most vividly embodies the experience of hybrid existence in the modern «multimedia environment», the zone of dynamic multiplicity of real and virtual, public and private, the main feature of which is mobility. It is shown that under the conditions of the new mobility, life becomes more variable, fluid, multilayered, that is, it corresponds to a reality that cannot be reduced to an either/or alternative. Therefore, the heuristic possibility of essentialist binary dichotomies, which excessively narrow the pragmatics of modern human existence, is questioned. It is noted that in the context of the social and existential challenges of the digital culture, the configuration of human life-space is no longer contained within modern ontological binary oppositions such as public/private, outside/inside, closedness/openness, stable/turbulent, own/other. It is proved that, in contrast to the binary world order of the «first»/organized modernity, the topological position of the «in-between» is made possible by a completely different logic, the fundamental points of which are the processes of constant transfers of public/private, performativity and situationality, procedurality, (de)localization, flexibility, transparency, topological multiplicity. It is argue changes in the nature of subjectivity (here: the ability to act). In particular, under the conditions of a multimedia, networked reality, the ability to «live in motion», i.e., to be mobile, tuned to constant movement, the endless search for new places, relationships, impressions, identities, locations, are the sought-after qualities of human subjectivity. It has been established that together with new opportunities, digital network structures also dictate a new life imperative, which enables appropriate behavioral practices marked by a frank orientation towards the public performance of private roles: any (in)action must be recorded in the media. The result of deprivation processes is the transformation of the social order of society into an intimate space of collective life (privatization). rresponding


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How to Cite
KHODUS, O. (2023). «LIFE IN-BETWEEN»: SPACE, TOPOS, SELF IN THE CONTEXT OF POLIMEDIA REALITY. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 6-12. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7005-2023-1-1
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy