Keywords: civic competence, civil society, civic education, civic identity, civic responsibilities, democratic society.


The article examines the current issues of the formation of civic competences and the development of civic education in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. Emphasizing the principles of the creation and progress of a democratic state system, the author proposed practical conclusions regarding the need to regulate them, since they (principles) play a decisive role in the formation of civic competences among representatives of Ukrainian society. Focusing on the philosophical understanding of the role and influence of civic education, an attempt to investigate the issue of the formation of sustainable civic skills and the mechanisms of their practical implementation was made. The understanding of the concept of «civic competence», «civic education», their tasks and goals, which go beyond philosophical categories and have specific socio-political frameworks determined by legal or legislative acts at the state level, is characterized. Various terminological approaches are outlined. Attention is focused on the socio-political approach, which is based on the ability of an individual to participate in socio-political processes, and the pedagogical approach, which defines this category as a combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, experiences, value orientations, etc., which help a person to understand their place in society and become a realized citizen of the Ukrainian state. In order to form and strengthen civil competences, which, in the opinion of the author, are critically important in the current conditions for the preservation of democracy and statehood, effective solutions and practical tools on this issue are proposed. The article discusses the problems of the formation of civic competences not only in formal education, but also in informal education, the possibility of their implementation in the difficult conditions of the Ukrainian present. The legislation in the field of civic education is analyzed, the priority of the problem of forming a conscious and responsible citizen is emphasized, which requires, first of all, the implementation of state policy, prompt response by lawmakers, updating and actualization of legislative acts in terms of civic education.


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How to Cite
DAVYDENKO, O. (2024). CIVIC COMPETENCES AS A TOOL FOR BUILDING A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY IN UKRAINE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 116-124.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy