Keywords: teacher's voice, pedagogical practice, critical pedagogy, instrument of social change, educational resource.


The article deals with voice as an educational resource of a teacher in pedagogical and social aspects. In the first part of the article, based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, the main requirements for the teacher's voice are highlighted, and recommendations for voice preservation are introduced, since about 50% of the teacher's working time is spent directly on the active work of the vocal apparatus. The article also presents the results of the role of teacher's voice tone in pedagogical practice conducted in 2022 by researchers from the Universities of Essex and Reading, who found that teacher's voice tone can change the psycho-emotional state in the classroom. According to the study, a tone that supports students' autonomy and increases their level of activity proved to be favorable for learning. The second part of the article discusses the social aspect of the teacher's voice. In this regard, the authors refer to the scientific works of representatives of such an alternative educational direction as critical pedagogy (P. Freire, G. Giroux, J. Winks, P. McLaren). The position of the Canadian American scholar P. McLaren is analyzed, that illustrates the two types of power with which the voice of the teacher is associated: despotic power, when the teacher's voice subordinates the experience and beliefs of students, and democratic power, which gives the student's voice the opportunity to express themselves, to declare their values and beliefs. The opinion of another representative of this field, J. Winks, is described. The researcher notes that our voices are important in pedagogical practice because they express what we have come through and experienced in life. In this regard, three aspects have been identified as crucial to the formation of a teacher's voice: political relations of power, the inner voice of personal pedagogical experience, and public policy. The conclusions note that the teacher's voice acts not only as an educational resource, but also as an instrument of social change. The teacher's voice can bring the discourse of freedom to the pedagogical process. The teacher's voice is not only subject to public policy, but is also an important tool in its implementation – in particular, in patriotic education, in shaping the culture of thinking and affirming democratic values.


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How to Cite
TYMOFІEІEVO., ANDRIUSHYNA, L., & RODINA, Y. (2024). TEACHER’S VOICE AS AN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE IN PEDAGOGICAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 101-107. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-12
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy