Ukraine is in the process of harmonising higher education and optimising its university network. At this stage, the experience of European countries is valuable. Leadership-based management of higher education institutions is a global trend and an urgent need for national education systems. The professionalisation of educational leaders is a key step towards the formation of a competitive cohort of educational managers. Using the best European practices, it will be possible to change the model of training educational leaders in Ukraine. The article focuses on the analysis of the model of training educational leaders at a private higher education institution in the Netherlands – SUAS University. The Netherlands has developed effective leadership tools for improving the competitiveness of universities, building administrative, human and financial autonomy. The experience of a Dutch higher education institution is presented as an example of a modern vision of quality higher education provided by a private institution with strong organisational and financial autonomy. The article analyses the content of the accredited Master's programme in Educational Leadership, the modular system of the programme which consists of 6 specific parts (Strategic Vision of Educational Development; Leadership in the Educational Environment; Team Leadership in the Educational Environment; Change Management in the Educational Environment; Continuous Improvement in Education; Business of Educational Innovation) and the final project. The competences of a modern educational leader are summarised on the basis of the SUAS University Master's programme. The procedure of ensuring the quality of higher education in the Master's programme is clarified, its features and subjects of the educational process are identified. It is established that a characteristic feature of the training of educational leaders in the Netherlands is the participation of tutors, coaches and trainers who ensure the individual development of each student and accompany them at the stage of their own professional development and psychological leadership transformation.
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