Keywords: professional training of design specialists, comprehensive design, ethnic design, decorative and applied arts, requirements for design objects, stages of comprehensive design of decorative and applied arts objects.


The article is devoted to the implementation into the educational process of the technology of comprehensive design for decorative and applied art objects and other design technologies that can be used in conjunction with the study of various educational components of the cycle of professional training of future design specialists. In the process of mastering the technology of comprehensive design, students of higher education in the field of design develop an understanding of the integration of design and folk art in such a format as ethnic design, which contributes to the popularisation of national traditions among a wide range of consumers. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of involving higher education students in the comprehensive design of decorative and applied arts objects in the process of professional design training. The scientific research was formalized by the analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalisation of advanced pedagogical experience, scientific and methodological literature, experience in implementing design projects; the synthesis of empirical material, classification, and modelling. The article examines various aspects of the relationship between ethnic design and decorative and applied arts (coloristics and ornamentation, style and traditions, materials and decor, techniques and technologies); it also presents examples of the integration of design and folk art. The main attention is paid to the stages of comprehensive design of decorative and applied art objects, which require a combination of artistic vision, technical skill and a deep understanding of the cultural context. The presented study details the process of comprehensive design, which allows to outline the essence of the educational activity of students at each stage and determine the intermediate stage results of creating a design project in ethnic design, taking into account the basic requirements for design activity. The authors of the study set themselves a number of scientific and practical tasks, the solution of which is aimed at strengthening the implementation of the comprehensive design of objects of decorative and applied art in the educational practice of training future design professionals on a permanent basis. The implementation of modern design technologies in combination with traditional techniques is possible if higher education students have relevant knowledge about the heritage of folk art and master the skills of modern design.


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How to Cite
BORYSOVA, T., ORLOVA, N., & BLYZNIUK, M. (2024). TEACHING STUDENTS COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN OF DECORATIVE AND APPLIED ART OBJECTS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 71-79. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-9
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy